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Pet Hints


Thank you for your interest in FOCAS volunteering service.  FOCAS especially needs volunteers
for foster care of cats and kittens and coverage of FOCAS adoption events at Petco Hackensack and

IMPORTANT:  Dog handling activities are formalized for safety and effectiveness. There is a mandatory training period of approximately six weeks (Thursday evenings only) required before dogs can be  handled unsupervised.  FOCAS volunteer services are not needed to walk dogs.  FOCAS volunteers are trained to teach basic dog obedience and assist with canine socialization and re-homing to reduce canine stress levels within the shelter and aid in their successful transition for adoption.

FOCAS Foster Care

  Join FOCAS.

  Be a volunteer.

Make a difference!

     See application below.

FOCAS Off-Site Adoptions

Make a difference!   Join FOCAS. 
Print-complete-submit an application. 
You will be contacted. 
Have questions? 

FOCAS Volunteer Applicaton

Friends of the County Animal Shelter, Inc.
PO Box 439
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ  07604

 Est. in 1984 for the preservation and protection of animals.

All Volunteers MUST be 18 years old or older.

Your interest in being a FOCAS volunteer is very much appreciated.  As a non-profit organization,
your support and participation will help insure that FOCAS can continue its ongoing commitment to
the well-being of animals.  Please indicate which activity/activities would make the best use of your
interest, time, talent or professional expertise.   When complete, return this application to the
above address.  A response may not be immediate.  All volunteers are required to participate in one fund
raising and one event activitiy annually.  Thank you.

___ Adoptions:

Assist the public at shelters  in selecting a suitable pet for adoption.

 ___ Adoptions: Assist FOCAS at off-site locations in finding suitable adopters. 
This includes transport of animals to/from adoption sites, set-up and
adoption counseling.
___ Dog Handling: Exercise, socialization and basic training of dogs. (FOCAS training & qualification mandatory to qualify for this program.)
___ Cat Handling: Pet, brush and socialize cats.
___ Foster Care: Participate in foster care program to provide temporary in-home care
for infant animals or animals with medical or special needs.  Time
commitment usually is 2 - 4 weeks or less.
___ Greeter: Greet the public at the shelter, provide basic shelter information and
check for proper identification.
___ Rabies Clinic: Assist in filling out rabies forms for owners bringing their pets to
BCAS for inoculation.  Hours:  2nd and 4th Thurs. of each month; 
3:30PM - 5:00PM.
___ Grooming: Provide attentive care (bathing, brushing, nail rimming) to animals.
___ Transportation: Transport animals to approved rescue or grooming facilities,
as needed.  (Copy of driver's license is required for the FOCAS file.)
___ Help Line: Return calls from your home for inquiries  made to the Help Line
regarding FOCAS' low-cost spay/neuter program for feral and stray cats
and provide information on low cost spay/neuter programs for owned pets.
___ Fund Raising: Assist in fund raising such as flea market, raffles and/or auctions (set-up, tear-down, selling, baking and crafts).
___ Newsletter Write articles for The Scoop.
___ Grant Writing: Assist in applying for grants or seeking corporate support/sponsorship
for FOCAS.

___ One Time Events: Assist with annual events - Cat Show, Dog Show, Blessing of the
Animals and Mrs. Claus pictures with pets.

Animals that I have a specific interest in working with are (check all that apply):

____  dogs    ____ cats   ____ rabbits   ____ guinea pigs    ____ hamsters/mice   ____ birds 

____  Yes      ____  No   My employer participates in matching funds programs for non-profit organizations.

____   I understand that along with my application for volunteer membership in FOCAS, I will submit a $25
fee annually to FOCAS.  This nominal  fee entitles me to receive a t-shirt, volunteer
            mailings, and ongoing educational opportunities and materials.  I also understand that upon
            acceptance of my application, I must attend a new volunteer orientation session and receive an official
            name and photo ID badge before becoming actively involved in any volunteer activities.


Applicant Information:  Please PRINT

Name: _____________________________________ Email: _________________________________


City/State/ Zip:_______________________________________________________________________

Phone:  Home ____________________ Bus. ______________________  Cell _____________________

Employer:  _________________________________________________________________________

Employer's Address: __________________________________________________________________


Please answer the following ( reminder -
Please PRINT )

1. Do you have a valid New Jersey Driver's License?   Yes ____   No ____

2.  In case of an emergency, please specify a person whom we should contact

     Name:  _______________________________________        Relationship:  _____________________

     Phone: (day)___________________________         (evening) ________________________________

     Address:  ________________________________________________________________________

3.  Do you have allergic reactions to specific animals?  Yes _____  No ____     If yes, please describe:


4.  Do you have a medical condition we should be aware of?  Yes ____  No ____  If yes, please  specify: 


5.  Please list any organizations that you are or have been actively involved in.


Please read the following statements.  They constitute the conditions under which you would be volunteering  with FOCAS.

1.  It is recommended that FOCAS volunteers handling animals receive a series of pre-exposure rabies vaccinations to protect them in case of being bitten by a rabid animal.  The volunteer  must make their own arrangements through their physician.  If a volunteer does not wish to receive rabies vaccinations, the volunteer must sign a waiver releasing FOCAS, and/or any animal shelter or refuge where his/her services for FOCAS are given, from any responsibility and agrees to assume all of his/her medical costs, if a rabies incident occurs.  Before this application can be accepted, FOCAS must have a waiver or proof of vaccination for rabies.
2.  I certify that all information provided on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.  Any misrepresentation or omissions of facts called for in the application may result in a denial of a volunteer opportunity or dismissal from FOCAS.

3. I understand that if I am selected , I am a volunteer for and devoting my time to FOCAS on a voluntary basis and primarily for my own benefit, and providing volunteer services at BCAS or any shelter is a privilege given to me solely through FOCAS membership; it is not an independent volunteer activity.  I am serving with no contemplation of compensation for my services. 

4.  I agree to abide by all rules and regulations of FOCAS and, if my volunteer activities are performed at a shelter or animal refuge, I agree to abide by all rules and regulations that shelter or refuge may adopt from time to time.  I give FOCAS my permission to investigate all pertinent information and references concerning my volunteer application.  And, I release FOCAS and/or any shelter or refuge where my services for FOCAS are given from all liability for any damage, both legal and otherwise, for issuing this information.

5.  I hereby release FOCAS, any shelter or refuge where my services for FOCAS are given from all losses, damages and claims of any kind arising out of my own negligence or misconduct.


Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________



Mail to: FOCAS, PO Box 439, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604.